erin's flash site.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Linked version of tutorial and quiz.

Having now worked out most of the kinks in my quiz (although I just remembered a typo I didn't work out yet..note to self...), I have posted the single file of the two. The quiz was fairly simple, although again I was irritated by the way changing the stage size affects the program. This time, I didn't have to resize quite to the same extent, as I realized I could at least just resize page by page rather than object by object.

I also reworked a couple of the original questions because I had someone test the quiz, and he thought it was a little too difficult and that I could find better images for a couple of the questions.

Linking the quiz to the tutorial, fortunately, was very simple and easy, which I enjoyed. The remaining things I am considering attempting are turning a couple of the definition pages in the tutorial into smaller, pop-up pages and adding a pre-loader. I think the pre-loader is more likely at this point, since adding the pop-up windows was too complicated for me the first time I tried it, but I decided I should try it once more. The preloader seems easy enough to add, though.

In terms of the instruction, I am debating about adding a more concrete outline of what the student is about to learn (the "tell them what they are about to learn" part). But it seems a little unnecessary, just because the program is so short and in such an informal setting. But I have not decided yet if this is something that would be nonetheless valuable to include.


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